søndag 23. oktober 2011


Hi! I am so sorry for not writing to you guys earlier, but if you have been in my shoes right now, you wouldn’t either! It’s so amazing here, like the most unique place I ever seen.

And guess what we did to day? We were on a safari trip! Actually, through my 15 years of living, I have never seen anything but the animals Norway can offer. And I can promise you I was in total shock the whole trip. Before I went, I couldn’t imagine that there was so many different kinds of animals running around on either 1,2,3,4 foots or more. I actually couldn’t keep the counting of all the animals that I´ve never seen before.

I know I must make you jealous (or just crazy…) by talking so much about this trip, but right now, my fingers wrights faster than I can think. I already regret that I didn't book a longer safari! We got some recommendations from our kind guide about longer safari trips in Kenya, so if you want more info (like I hope you will) don’t be afraid to contact me! Maybe one day I will travel back too.

But I better get in the shower before my friends get furious.  We are going out for dinner, or acutely, to some very polite native people who invited us for a real African meal – I am so excited!

The safari trip was amazing!! Just had to say it one last time, hi-hi J Promise to write tomorrow, love Maja

1 kommentar:

  1. I understand why you won't forget this trip! I also want to go on a safari sometime :D
